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Servicios de lanzamiento de noticias en video

Stand Out From the Crowd and Get Your Company Noticed with Our Video News Release Services 

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Agencia de diseño y marketing de sitios web

Un sitio web que funciona en el escritorio,
Tableta y móvil

Un sitio web ahora es imprescindible para hacer negocios en el mundo de hoy, y es esencial que se vea genial y funcione perfectamente en computadoras de escritorio, tabletas y dispositivos móviles.

Traditional desktop-only sites simply won’t cut it anymore. One study from comScore found that 49 percent of digital media time is spent on mobile devices, with tablets accounting for an additional 12 percent. With just 31 percent of time left over for desktop devices, it becomes clear that websites should be built mobile-friendly, tablet-friendly, and desktop-friendly. That’s why we employ what’s called responsive web design.

Traditionally, responsive design means stretching and shrinking your site to fit different screen sizes. However, we take it a step further by tailoring different features for different devices as well. For example, a Click-to-Call button will appear on a mobile device, but not a tablet or desktop. The experience and the needs of a visitor can greatly differ between a mobile and desktop device, and at BarnesMobi we make sure that our content and designs consistently reflect that.

Visita la tienda

Desencadenar: El visitante llega al sitio desde un dispositivo móvil
Acción: Ahorre 25% en especiales de almuerzo
Valor: El visitante llega directamente al negocio

Order Online

Trigger: Visitor arrives on site on Mother’s Day
Action: Banner promoting free delivery
Value: Visitor has incentive to order flowers

Flash Sale

Trigger: Third time visitor goes to the site
Action: Popup for buy one, get one free
Value: Return visitor is encouraged to buy
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Servicios de marketing digital

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Marketing Services

3 componentes de un comunicado de prensa exitoso en video

1.Your Company Press Release

Comienza con su comunicado de prensa o mensaje de marketing. No tengo uno, te ayudaremos.

2. Our Video News Release Services

Nuestros servicios únicos y atractivos de lanzamiento de noticias en video brindan autoridad y compromiso instantáneos.

3. Distribución y uso compartido

Tenemos opciones de distribución disponibles desde los principales medios de comunicación hasta los canales sociales.

Can Your Company Benefit by Standing Out From the Crowd AND Getting Your Business Noticed with a Video News Release?

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website, you will find information on these pages that will help your company or organization reach its promotional & marketing goals starting today!

One thing that’s important to know is Any Organization or Business could use a Video News Release (or otherwise known as Video Press Releases) to help achieve its marketing objectives.

The most frequent question we hear from our site visitors is “What is a Good Reason for Creating a Video Press Release or VNR?”

The answer is; ANY Marketing Message or Announcement could be applied as a Video News Release:
  •     A New Product or Service.
  •     A Sale, Discount or Special.
  •     Providing a Consultation or Free Report.
  •     Customer Satisfaction Story.
  •     Business and Community Stories.
  •     Any Upcoming Event.
  •     Company/Employee Recognition or Accreditation
  •     Change in Seasonal Hours.
  •     Organizational/Industry Gathering.
  •     Any New Samples or Information Available.
  •     A Company Milestone Reached.
Pretty much Any Promotional “Story” could give you the exclusive benefits of a Video Press Release – Why try and sell your audience when you can engage with them instead, that’s the power of a VNR.  

Of course you could always contact us for a no obligation consultation as to how we could help you craft the perfect press release for your needs.
Get Started Today!
Send us your contact details and we’ll schedule a 
1-on-1 with one of our professionals
Scheduel 1-on-1

Obtenga nuestro informe GRATUITO


Reach your advertising goals by utilizing the power of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin & more. Social presence is becoming the most important factor for an overall online presence. Using social media outlets can help you achieve top results in the search engine and allow you to connect to fans, subscribers & customers. Connect by posting coupons, orders and new updates about the business.

If you have any questions regarding Social Media Marketing, contact us today

Why does a Video News Release Make Sense for Your Company?

  1. Las calificaciones de noticias de todo tipo (convencionales y en línea) registraron niveles récord en 2019 y no hay cambios en el sitio. Es un hecho comprobado que cada vez más de su mercado objetivo está buscando noticias para ayudarlos a tomar decisiones informadas sobre cualquier cosa y todo, incluidas las decisiones de compra..
  2. Los comunicados de prensa siempre han sido una forma efectiva para que una empresa u organización genere conciencia y ventas para nuevos productos, servicios y anuncios. Cuando se hace bien, un comunicado de prensa estratégico puede superar a un costoso programa de publicidad en 5-10 veces. Dando a cualquier empresa una explosión increíble por su dólar de marketing.
  3. El poder del video en línea es innegable. Si ha estado haciendo negocios en línea (sin importar su industria o mercado), es evidente que las organizaciones que transmiten su mensaje de marketing de manera más efectiva están utilizando Video en línea.
  4. Tenemos varias opciones de distribución disponibles también. En su consulta inicial con nosotros (gratis), le explicaremos sus opciones para distribuir su VNR a una amplia gama de medios, desde organizaciones de noticias estándar hasta más opciones de intercambio basadas en la web. Cualquiera que elija, estará satisfecho con los resultados de Nuestro servicio VNR, lo garantizamos.

Better SEO

Right from the start, our websites’ innovative, built in architecture improves SEO automatically. Our entire platform is aligned with Google protocol to raise your website’s Google ranking.
 Put all these important factors together and you’ll quickly see how Video News Releases are a Powerful Tool that any organization Large or Small could benefit from. Furthermore you’ll get the added benefit of using the power of online video in a different manner than most of your competition.

Your video won’t be the typical “Video Ad” everyone is interrupted and bothered by. Your VNR provides instant Authority, Trust and Emotional Engagement (people love a story and will watch your VNR up to 3 times longer than a typical video advertisement).

No lengthy production times or expensive costs involved with shooting and editing a video for your business. Our online video service takes a fraction of the time and cost of standard business video services.

Using our professional video spokespersons, your video will have the engaging power and urgency of a real news flash and a professionally produced news story.

Contact us today to find out more about how this unique, fun and powerful video marketing service will help your company or organization stand out at a fraction of the cost of other video services. 

Ready to get started?


Better SEO

Right from the start, our websites’ innovative, built in architecture improves SEO automatically. Our entire platform is aligned with Google protocol to raise your website’s Google ranking.

Comunicados de prensa en video

The power of Online Video is Undeniable. If you’ve been doing business online (no matter what your industry or market) it’s evident the organizations that get their marketing message out most effectively are using Online Video.

Visita nuestros servicios de marketing

Marketing Services

Social Media

Social media advertising to help you reach your goals.
Want to increase visitors to your website? We can help with that. Want to hear directly from people interested in your services? We can help with that too. Whatever your business goals may be, we have Social Ads campaigns that will deliver the results you’re looking for.

Mobile-Friendly Websites and Captivating Design 

No matter how big or small your website is, SEO is one of the most powerful tools available. Search engine optimization relates to how well your site does in search rankings on sites like Google, Bing & Yahoo. The higher your site climbs in rankings, the more likely it will gain new traffic, visits, and customers.


Capture más clientescon un sitio web inteligente y hermoso

Diseño personalizado para impulsar la conversión

We bring countless hours of design experience to
each website we build and will create a gorgeous
layout that drives the types of customer actions
you value most — whatever those actions may be.

Tecnología de vanguardia

Our agency offers the most innovative tools in web
design, real-time site personalization, eCommerce,
Progressive Web Apps, and more to guarantee
your site produces great results now and well into
the future.

Carga rápida como el rayo

Every website built by our team is optimized to
load at breakneck speed according to Google’s
best practices. This improves your search ranking
and ensures potential customers get the
information they need as quickly as possible.

Ironclad Security & Hosting

All of our websites are hosted on Amazon Web
Services (AWS) and maintain a 99.9% uptime. We
also offer HTTPS encryption via SSL certificates for
an added layer of security for you and your online

Visita la tienda

Desencadenar: El visitante llega al sitio desde un dispositivo móvil
Acción: Ahorre 25% en especiales de almuerzo
Valor: El visitante llega directamente al negocio

Order Online

Trigger: Visitor arrives on site on Mother’s Day
Action: Banner promoting free delivery
Value: Visitor has incentive to order flowers

Flash Sale

Trigger: Third time visitor goes to the site
Action: Popup for buy one, get one free
Value: Return visitor is encouraged to buy

The Clubhouse

Personal Trainer
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The Clubhouse

Personal Trainer
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